Global Warming “The Awakening”

How many Natural Disasters will it take to wake the World up to the encroaching situation? Are people so wrapped up in their little worlds, as not to see the impending retribution of Nature itself? There are many new and innovative ideas that will help to bring the World back from the brink of its own “Purge” cycle, can these ideas be looked over or ignored? Can Mankind afford to be blind to the reality of the situation any longer? It is time for a true “Awakening!”

(PRWEB) January 18, 2006 — Mankind is pressing towards an “Awakening” that is not for the better. Allowing those who represent Mankind’s needs to ignore or suppress the Science and Technologies, available and affordable, that will allow for the cleaner and more efficient use of the remaining Fossil Fuels, while affordable alternatives are found and put into use, will lead the World further into the Brink. The efforts of all of Mankind should be on the Preservation of the Environment and Ecosystem that has supported Life for centuries. What was, is no more. Unless Mankind awakens to “Mother Nature’s” call to stop destroying the Planet, forces of Nature shall surely clean that which is offensive and damaging until the World is forced to go back to Primitive ways of sustaining life.

Mankind has become gluttonous, living in the “Fast Lane” and getting every convenience available. Not paying attention to the many signals that are the sign of Mother Natures call for attention. There can be no mistake, the Environment has been badly bruised and battered by the lack of attention to the poisons and pollutants that are being spewed into the water, soil, and air. If Mankind does not “Get a Grip” on the lavish and carefree lifestyle and start looking to Science to fix the damage, already done, the Natural course of Mother Nature will be to take matters into her own hand. This has been evidenced by the recent increase in Natural Disasters, Extreme Weather, and Climate shifts. These are the signs of an Evolutionary Natural Cleansing which will be less than favorable to man.

For centuries, Science and the innovative few, have brought developments and tools to light that will increase man’s ability to become less reliant on Natures deplete able resources, and use those resources in plentiful abundance; yet, the guile of Big Brother or Big Business smothers, buys, and hides these advances; those things that would help do less damage to the Environment and continue to move Mankind ahead is it’s development. It is time to stop the “Cover-up” of advancing technology and start paying attention to advances that would allow for cleaner burning fuels, less expensive and less polluting alternative fuels, better use of available resources, cleaner processes for manufacturing, better reclamation of the areas that have been mined, drilled, and drained of resources. As long as Government and Big Business is allowed to “Pick and Choose’ the advancements available for Mankind’s use, their will always be a lack of truly innovative and forward thinking products, for use, that will do good to and for the Environment. How much longer can this be allowed before the Planet really starts fighting back?

How many Natural Disasters will it take to wake the World up to the encroaching situation? Are people so wrapped up in their little worlds, as not to see the impending retribution of Nature itself? There are many new and innovative ideas that will help to bring the World back from the brink of its own “Purge” cycle, can these ideas be looked over or ignored? Can Mankind afford to be blind to the reality of the situation any longer? It is time for a true “Awakening!”

For more information on the Advancements in Science and Technology, check with local Libraries, Foundations, and centers for Higher Learning. To find some of the new advances available for use today, you can also visit: or

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