Will Global Warming Cause the UK to Cool?
Substantial uncertainties exist when trying to predict how large areas will react to the changing climate, and when it comes to global climate the UK is an anomaly. This is because it is warmer than other countries located at the same latitude e.g. Newfoundland. The reason for this warmth is the Gulf Stream, which draws […]
Global Warming is Now Affecting New York
by William Sutherland The US is waking up fast to the reality of global warming or climate change, as this very readable article shows. Global Warming – New YorkGlobal Warming’s Imprint on New York City: As global mean temperatures continue to rise moving the Earth into its warmest period in 10 million years, New York […]
Is there really No Global Warming?
The video below is part of a CNN documentary. It finishes in the middle of an interesting discussion of the UNFCC’s “hockey stick” graph, which has been so persuasive to many in convincing them that Climate Change is really caused by anthropological activity. However, their alternative conclusion is lost when the video ends abruptly. Nevertheless […]
Climate Change Impacts
Our List of Articles About Climate Change Impacts: Research Highlights Global Warming Trouble New York CO2 Level Rises Effect on UK? Climate Ch. Asia Nepal Views GW Awakening Below is what the IPPC says about these impacts: The IPCC (2001) states that, “…climate change represents opportunities and risks for human development”. The areas where climate […]
Global Warming and the Alternative Theories
March 2007 Update: The following text was written in 2004. The second hypothesis has since been eliminated, and both 1 and 3 appear to be taking place. This discussion makes it clear how fast both climate change is advancing and also how rapidly our acceptance of the fact is also developing. The question is how […]
Was the 20th Century truly the warmest century?
The IPCC graph of global temperatures shows current temperatures to be the highest, but a number of scientists dispute this. Soon and Baliunas (1993) using studies of tree rings, and other indicators of past climate claimed, that the 20th century is probably not the warmest nor a uniquely extreme climatic period of the last millennium”. […]