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Coral Reefs Dying: A potential climate change disaster?

Coral reefs dying at an increasing rate. It’s a potential climate change disaster would be loss of our Coral Reefs. A study by Langdon et al. (2000) predicts that due to global warming, the world’s coral reefs could be reduced by as much as 40% by the year 2065. The corals secrete calcium carbonate to […]

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Global Warming “The Awakening”

How many Natural Disasters will it take to wake the World up to the encroaching situation? Are people so wrapped up in their little worlds, as not to see the impending retribution of Nature itself? There are many new and innovative ideas that will help to bring the World back from the brink of its […]

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Climate Change and Asian Monsoon in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya (HKH)

By Environmentalists: Dipesh Raj Pant and Arjun Kumar Limbu E-mail: arjunlimbu@hotmail.com “Once the climate changes, it is not only very difficult; but, almost impossible to retain it”. Can you imagine “HKH” without the “Monsoon Season?” “D-A” The two simple words “Climate Change” is one of several biophysical factors encompassed by the term Global Environmental Change […]

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Global Warming – The Alarming Rate of CO2 Rise (as seen in 2006)

Carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas linked to global warming, is accumulating in the Earth’s atmosphere at an increasing rate, according to a new study released by the US government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The research has renewed concern that the ability of the environment to absorb the gas may be waning. The NOAA study […]

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Will Global Warming Cause the UK to Cool?

Substantial uncertainties exist when trying to predict how large areas will react to the changing climate, and when it comes to global climate the UK is an anomaly. This is because it is warmer than other countries located at the same latitude e.g. Newfoundland. The reason for this warmth is the Gulf Stream, which draws […]

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Global Warming is Now Affecting New York

by William Sutherland The US is waking up fast to the reality of global warming or climate change, as this very readable article shows. Global Warming – New YorkGlobal Warming’s Imprint on New York City: As global mean temperatures continue to rise moving the Earth into its warmest period in 10 million years, New York […]

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