Image text: "Pope Francis Climate Change".

Pope Francis and Climate Change – His COP26 Climate Conference Urges for a ‘Radical’ Climate Response

Pope Francis climate change: This is our summary of the Pope’s messages in connection with the COP26 Climate Conference when he urged all who would listen for a ‘Radical’ Climate Response. Pope Francis has been very active on this subject this year. He made it very clear how important it is to address climate change […]

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Image text: "Affordable Electric Cars Promised at COP26".

Affordable Electric Cars Promised at COP26 – What it Means for You

Affordable electric cars have been promised at COP26. The UN Climate Change Conference 2021 in Glasgow has committed to making zero-emission vehicles “affordable for everyone.” As governments attempt to limit transportation’s role in global warming, UN climate negotiations have agreed on a programme to make electric automobiles and other zero-emission vehicles available and affordable in […]

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Good Reasons to be Optimistic About Averting Climate Change

Isn’t it time to start being optimistic about averting climate change? There are many good reasons to consider that the tide is turning and a huge swell of social forces is now ready to push through the huge changes needed? The following is an article republished from Business Green, which we think deserve further thought: […]

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Text: "Climate change action new UK unifier?".

Has Climate Change Action Become the New Common Ground for the UK Nation

‘An issue to unite us’: How climate action became the common ground for the fractured UK. A major study debunks the view that climate change concern is the purview of an ‘elite’ group in the UK, but warns policymakers and businesses that they need to nurture the mandate in support of climate action. ‘Eco-woke’, ‘puritanical’, […]

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How does Climate Change Affect Our Health?

How Does Climate Change Affect Our Health? Global Warming Health Impacts and Risks

On This Page Climate Change and Health: Impacts and Risks Climate Change and Health Heatwaves Wildfires Hurricanes Infectious Disease Health effects Health impacts of climate change and health and social inequalities in the UK Climate Change and Health Equity What do I need to know about climate change and health? Climate change and health – […]

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Featured image illustrates the article about "climate change oil companies".

Climate Change Oil Companies Align with 2015 Paris Agreement Pledges

Climate Change Oil Companies are signing up to the 2015 Paris Agreement Pledges and joining the fight to reduce global warming in decarbonization renewable energy production. For climate change avoidance to work, it was always going to need the major oil companies to themselves commit to the Paris Agreement pledges made by the world’s nations in 2015. We […]

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