Is Climate Change happening?

The IPCC synthesis report 2001, shows that the earth warmed between 1900 and 1940, then subsequently cooled between 1941 and 1965, but surface temperatures have been warming ever since (Fig 1.0). Data from millions of thermometer measurements taken from all over the world from as far back as 1860, allow calculation of average surface air […]

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A Personal Viewpoint on Climate Change

Climate Change – What Is It? By Rick Chappo Climate change is an amazingly simple phrase for such a complex subject. Following, we have a go at defining climate change in today’s terms. In the current day lexicon of scientists, climate modification isn’t really a term of use anymore. The reason for this is that […]

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What is climate change?

Climate change can be defined as “statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period (Houghton et al, 2001)”. It is extremely important to define what can be labelled as climate change, and what cannot. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC) states […]

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How Polluting is Flying – How Polluting is your flight?

Revealed: The real cost of air travel It might be cheap, but it’s going to cost the earth. The cut-price air ticket is fuelling a boom that will make controlling global warming impossible. (Adapted from the Independent Newspaper (London) front page leader on Sunday 28 May 2005. Here are some examples of flights giving the […]

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Climate Change Frequently Asked Questions

Climate Change FAQ

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at . [Faq 1] What is the purpose of the Kyoto agreement? The object of the Kyoto pact is to reduce greenhouse gases. [Faq 2] What are the so called greenhouse gases? The […]

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Climate Change References:

(NB: Some sites may require payment for access.) Anon (2001) IPCC Web Resource- Mandate and Membership of the IPCC Accessed 21/10/04 Anon (2003) New Scientist, Hot Topics; Climate Change: – Accessed 28/10/2004 Anon (2003) World Climate Report- Feature: hockey stick vs. wet noodle 23/10/04 Anon (2004) Putin Signs Bill to Ratify Kyoto […]

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